Hi Raj

I don't know why Lilypond does what it does, but you can achieve what you desire by using

\overrideTimeSignatureSettings 3/4 1/4 1,1,1 #'() \time 3/4

in stead of just \time 3/4

Best wishes,

On 23.09.2023 20.32, Rajesh Baskar wrote:

In a normal musical notation when you have a time signature of 3/4 and have a dotted note, eighth note, eighth note and an eighth note - that the first eighth note should have "no beam". This is how other software like MuseScore and Finale works. Why does Lilypond do this? I know there is a \noBeam markup but in my case this is be difficult to use as I'm dynamically generating the notation.

Any advise will be helpful. See the attached image for illustration.


\version "2.22.2" \language english \header { tagline = ##f }
\score {\new Staff
        {\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" \key c \major \time 3/4 \clef bass e,4. d,8 c, e, \bar "||"} \layout { \context { \Score proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/2) } } \midi { \tempo 1 = 72}}

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