Stéphane SOPPERA <> writes:

> I observed a strange behavior with a /repeat unfold/ inside a /repeat
> volta/ with /alternatives/. See the attached / for
> full source.
> Using Lilypond 2.24.1:
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>       %% Here we repeat three times the same music.
> *      \relative { c'4 e g r } |**
> **      \relative { c'4 e g r } |**
> **      \relative { c'4 e g r } |*
>       \alternative {
>         \volta 1 \relative { b4 d f g | }
>         \volta 2 \relative { b4 d g <c, e g> | }
>       }
>     }
> works as intended, but:
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>       %% Here we replaced the repetition with an `unfold` repeat.
> *      \repeat unfold 3 { \relative { c'4 e g r } | }*
>       \alternative {
>         \volta 1 \relative { b4 d f g | }
>         \volta 2 \relative { b4 d g <c, e g> | }
>       }
>     }
> fails. The measure 5 appears before measure 4, the volta is misplaced
> and alternatives are lost (see /bug_repeats__ok.pdf/).
> To fix the issue I can put the /repeat unfold/ inside curly brackets:
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>       %% Here we put the `unfold` repeat inside curly braces.
> *      { \repeat unfold 3 { \relative { c'4 e g r } | } }*
>       \alternative {
>         \volta 1 \relative { b4 d f g | }
>         \volta 2 \relative { b4 d g <c, e g> | }
>       }
>     }
> Any idea why Lilypond behaves this way? Am I missing something?

It is a consequence of syntax compatibility to previously when
\alternative could follow a \repeat rather than be inside of its body.
So the last music before an in-\repeat \alternative must not be a
\repeat without \alternative or it will sweep up the \alternative for
itself.  As you noticed, braces are the proper workaround.

David Kastrup

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