Valentin Petzel <> writes:

> Damn it, turns out the key engraver has an hardcoded path to always create 
> Key 
> Cancellations for keys with no alteration.
> So one would need to do
> \override KeyCancellation.stencil = ##f
> which is of course a bit wonky as compared to telling Lilypond to not create 
> Cancellations in the first place (not that it matters), which is why I went 
> extra mile to use
> printKeyCancellation = ##f
> Well, thank you for pointing it out!

If you want to go the extra mile, you'd only print ♮ in key cancellation
messages grobs and would precede them with the _previous_ number of
sharps/flats.  So switching from E major to B♭ major would print 4♮2♭.

You would not get 0♮ however (not as a main signature, not as a
cancellation signature).

This may or may not be what the OP wants.  But it would be one
semi-consistent way of doing this.

David Kastrup

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