Quick answer, and I’m not sure it will help much: 

\dynamicUp affects the context (Voice) in which it’s placed. \partCombine 
combines its arguments into new Voices and \dynamicUp ended up in a different 
voice than the p

> 13 okt. 2023 kl. 12:32 skrev Michael Gerdau <m...@qata.de>:
> Hi list,
> the following code places the 2nd \p under the music but I'd like it above. I 
> know I could explicitly add a placement (like ^\p) but wonder why \dynamicUp 
> doesn't do its job.
> - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip -
> \version "2.25.9"
> musa = { \dynamicUp c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' 
> } }
> musb = { \dynamicUp s1 c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } }
> \score {
> \partCombine \musa \musb
> }
> - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip -
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver
> <partCombine-Test.ly>
> <partCombine-Test.pdf>

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