Graham King <> writes:

> I'm setting a verse anthem, in which certain voices are instrument-only
> until the chorus, at which point they are doubled by singers.
> How can I include a skip of defined duration in the lyrics?  \skip
> counts notes or syllables,

It doesn't.  It corresponds to one syllable/note whatever the duration.

> but I'd like to count breves and minims, to avoid the lyrics-alignment
> containing a magic number that is sensitive to subsequent editing of
> the preceding music.
> I've seen a reference somewhere to #skip-of-length but can't find any
> documentation.

You can just use \skip \music but you have to forego rhythmic alignment
using \lyricsto .

> % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> \version "2.25.7"
> notes = { \repeat unfold 12 c'4 }
> words = \lyricmode { 
>   \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 }  % Lyrics to start at bar 3.
>   one two three four 
> }
> { << \new Voice = "cantor" \notes
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto cantor { \words } 
>   >>
> }
> % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check out
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\version "2.25.7"

notes = { \repeat unfold 12 c'4 }

words = \lyricmode { 
  \skip 1*2  % Lyrics to start at bar 3.
  one4 two three four 

{ << \new Voice = "cantor" \notes
     \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "cantor" } { \words } 
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note that the associatedVoice may seem irrelevant when the timing isn't
derived from it, but it is required for a few things like proper
placement of syllable extenders.

Also note how the syllable "one" gets an explicit length of a quarter.
In real music, you'll get a lot more note lengths in the lyrics.

This will look uglier in the source, but it tends to be quite more
robust against music edits not affecting the syllable positions.  And of
course, skips become quite easier to accommodate.

David Kastrup

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