Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>> \new Staff {
>>   \key c \minor
>>   < es' g' > < bes' d''~ >2. |
>>   \tuplet 3/2 \voices "",2 << { \voiceOne d''4 c'' es'' \oneVoice } \\
>>                            { g'4 as'2 } >>
>>   < f' as' >4 <es' g'> |
>> }
> Looks like a bug, so please file a report.

The problem is that I don't know where to locate the bug.  The
difference appears to be that \voices creates a \context Staff wrapper
around the parallel construct.  I suspect that the idea is to help with
continuing voices, like if you compare the outputs of

{ << { \voiceOne e'2~ \oneVoice } \new Voice { \voiceTwo c'2 } >> e'2 }

{ \voices "",2 << { \voiceOne e'2~ \oneVoice } \\ c'2 >> e'2 }

The second clearly looks more sensible, but if you look closely, there
still isn't a tie, so the voice does not actually continue in this
situation.  So this situation still is not helped in any manner, and the
one thing \voices has over unadorned << \\ >> is that it takes named

Clearly this discrepancy is worth removing; I just don't know right now
why it exists in the first place.  I must have been thinking something.™

Now independent from the two constructs differing by a \context Staff
wrapper (added in voicify-music in scm/music-functions.scm).

What is additionally puzzling is that either change is accomplished by
voicify-music, so why is one use affected and the other not?  Or does
this happen when voicify-music is applied multiple times (the second
time during scorification)?

All this appears mostly unrelated to \tuplet tripping over one but not
the other incantation.

David Kastrup

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