Hi Graham,

On Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 9:48 AM Graham King <lilyp...@tremagi.org.uk> wrote:

> In the following MWE, is it possible to put a small markup above each
> ambitus to signify the voice to which the ambitus belongs?
> I'm just failing to see where to attach ^\markup { foo }

I couldn't find a place to directly attach a markup either. But I did come
up with a somewhat hack-ish workaround that seems to sorta kinda work, in a
somewhat roundabout way. I found that the Balloon_engraver can be pressed
into service to (more or less) do what you're looking for. By setting the
BalloonText.annotation-balloon to false the box that normally is drawn
around the target grob is removed. If you want the pointer line to be
removed, uncomment the marked line. For more details,
contain all the gory details.

\version "2.25.9"

\new Staff <<
  \new Voice = "c_Instr" \with {
    \consists "Ambitus_engraver"
    \consists "Balloon_engraver"
  \relative {
    \override BalloonText.annotation-balloon = ##f
    %\override BalloonText.annotation-line = ##f % Uncomment to remove the
pointer line
    \balloonGrobText Ambitus #'(-2 . 4) \markup { \tiny "C Instr" }
    c' d e f

  \new Voice = "c_Singer" \with {
    \consists "Ambitus_engraver"
    \consists "Balloon_engraver"
  \relative {
    \override BalloonText.annotation-balloon = ##f
    %\override BalloonText.annotation-line = ##f % Uncomment to remove the
pointer line
    \balloonGrobText Ambitus #'(2 . 4) \markup { \tiny "C Sing" }
    \override Ambitus.X-offset = #2.5
    s1 a'4 b c d

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