How can I make LilyPond display the actual values of `script-priority`
for a stack of grobs?  Let's assume I have

  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)

  <e' -1 -\rightHandFinger #1 e'' -4 -\rightHandFinger #4 >

and I want to position the fingerings for the upper note above the
fingerings of the lower note.  Since the actual `script-priority`
value of a grob depends on both the vertical position of the grob and
its pre-defined `script-priority` value (in `define-grobs.scm` and
`script.scm`), it's not fun to manually test possible values for each
and every chord...

To continue the above example, the default `script-priority` values
for `Fingering` grobs (i.e., left-hand fingering) is 100, and for
`StrokeFinger` grobs (i.e., right-hand fingering) it is 125, and to
get the desired effect I have to say

  \override Fingering.script-priority = #118
  <e' -1 -\rightHandFinger #1 e'' -4 -\rightHandFinger #4 >

Any value between 118 and 125 (inclusive) will do.

Or maybe there is a more efficient, less error-prone method to handle
such situations?


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