Peter Mayes <> writes:

> Ideally what I want is the first version, but with the stave extending
> just enough to go through the key signature.

Could you live with the following?

  \key c\minor
  \key c\major
  \once\override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
  #(grob-transformer 'break-align-orders
    (lambda (grob break-align-orders)
      (vector-ref break-align-orders 2)
      (vector-ref break-align-orders 1)
      (vector-ref break-align-orders 2))))
  \bar "||"
It tells LilyPond to end the line formatted in a way as if it continued
to the next line.  This puts the key cancellation _before_ the bar line.

David Kastrup

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