On Sat, 2023-12-02 at 22:56 -0800, Stefano Antonelli wrote:

I wanted to mention that for some reason none of this stuff works
unless it appears before the score block.  Both dump-spacetime-info.ly
and event-listener.ly must be included at the top of the file.  If they
are located at the bottom of the file, after the score block, there are
no prints.  In case anyone happens to read this and is bitten by the
same thing.

I looked into the code and there is an after-line-breaking in system.cc

          (void) g->get_property ("after-line-breaking");

This is used in a similar way to other places I see after-line-breaking 
 used, such as haripin.cc.  So I presume this get_property() call has a
side effect of running scheme code (ie. a callback).

That means:

\layout {
  \context {
    \override System.after-line-breaking = #printPage

should work.  And it doesn't.  I tried \Score context, no context, and
even \Voice context.  None of them printed anything.  If I'm missing
something about how this works, I can't see it.

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