> We need a copy so we can introduce the space time dumper code which
> boils down to a simple /include statement at the very top of the file.

You can do that via the `-dinclude-settings` option instead.

> It looks like ly2video also removes any \break, \noBreak, and
> \pageBreak it finds in the input.

I don't understand why it needs to do this. `\break` and `\pageBreak` are 
ignored with `#ly:one-line-breaking` anyway.

> > Normally, you'd spell out the \unfoldRepeats and stuff in the input
> > file directly.
> I don't think the user should do this.  What I mean is that it's not
> user friendly.

ly2video or not, you need to unfold repeats as soon as you want correct MIDI 
output. I agree that requiring to do it explicitly is not very user-friendly, 
but auto-adding `\unfoldRepeats` sounds like solving the problem at the wrong 
level. Also, what ly2video does is not always correct since `\score { \midi { 
... } \music }` is valid but `\score { \unfoldRepeats \midi { ... } \music }` 
is not — it would need to be `\score { \midi { ... } \unfoldRepeats \music }`.

Lastly, I'm not sure why ly2video wants to parse the header block but the 
`--header` option may help.

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