Hi Cordelia,

> how can i change the global order of apparition ?
> I need to have the lyric before the dynamics; I thought I could make it with 
> priority but I cannot figure out where I’m wrong.

It is generally accepted practice (cf. Elaine Gould, etc.) to place dynamics 
above the staff for voices with lyrics:

\version "2.25.10"

melody = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

  a4 \mf \> b \p c-! \ff d

text = \lyricmode {
  Aaa Bee Cee Dee

    \new Voice = "one" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
  \layout {
    \Staff {

If you *really* want to have both below, then here’s a solution:

\version "2.25.10"

melody = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

  a4 \mf \> b \p c-! \ff d

text = \lyricmode {
  Aaa Bee Cee Dee

\score {
    \new Voice = "one" \with { \remove Dynamic_engraver } {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
    \new Dynamics \with { \remove Script_engraver } \melody

You’ll likely want to have a more stripped down [custom] Dynamics context, so 
that other [non-Script] items don’t appear in your dynamics line.

Hope this helps!

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