Hi Robert,

> Don't worry, found out how to do it:
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header {tagline = ""}
> {
>    \numericTimeSignature
>    \textLengthOn
>    \override Staff.padding = #3
>    \time 4/4
>    a'4\mordent -\tweak staff-padding #4 ^"Mordent"
>    a'4\upmordent -\tweak staff-padding #4 ^"Upper Mordent"
>   a'4\downmordent -\tweak staff-padding #4 ^"Lower Mordent"
> }

I don’t think the \override is doing what you think/hope it’s doing…?

Anyway, while the \tweak approach does the job, this might be more efficient:

\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  tagline = ##f

   \override TextScript.staff-padding = #4
   \time 4/4
   a'4\mordent ^"Mordent"
   a'4\upmordent ^"Upper Mordent"
   a'4\downmordent ^"Lower Mordent"

Note also that I changed your tagline = "" to tagline = ##f, so that it truly 
takes up no space.

Hope this helps!

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