Hello everyone,

I'm feeling somewhat confounded by LilyPond Scheme variables.

I've created some global variables that I want to use in functions so I
change up some custom spacing only one (as these may vary with staff size)

I defined the following
#(define kOneStaffUnitInInches 0.0761)
#(define kContentWidthInches 6.5)

#(define halfInchSU (/ 0.5 kOneStaffUnitInInches))
#(define contentWidthSU (/ kContentWidthInches kOneStaffUnitInInches))
#(define rubricsWidthSU (/ (- kContentWidthInches 0.5)

And wrote this function:
rubricsTest =
    #{ \markup
        \line {
            \hspace #halfInchSU
            \override #'(line-width . 78.84)
            \wordwrap #text

\rubricsTest \markuplist { Although it is provided with its own Preface,
this Eucharistic Prayer may also be used with other Prefaces, especially
those that present an overall view of the mystery of salvation, such as the
Common Prefaces. }


I can get \hspace to happily use the variable halfInchSU. However, I cannot
seem to use the variable rubricsWidthSU with \override #'(line-width .

I must be missing something very simple?

Many thanks,

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