On 27/02/2024 17:07, William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion wrote:
Dear list,

I am wondering if there is a way to omit footnotes and the text that accompanies them from a score. the reason for this is I am making a critical edition of a baroque trio sonata from a manuscript, and would like to use footnotes for editorial changes in the full score and not show them in the parts.

You can remove the footnote engraver from the score to totally disable footnote processing.

\version "2.25.7"

part = \relative d' {\footnote #'(0.5 . 2) "Example footnote" d4 }

\book {
  \score {
    \new Staff \part

\book {
  \score {
    \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Footnote_engraver" } }
    \new Staff \part

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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