> Hi Jean,
> As always… remarkable.
> One question: How hard would it be to have this output more precise
> timings (e.g., 1/4 or 1/10th or 1/100th of a second, or SMPTE timecode
> in minutes:seconds:frames)? I could imagine this being *very* useful
> for film/video/media composers.

To get 2-digit precision on the number of seconds, you can simply replace

(format #f "~as" (round rest))


(format #f "~,2fs" rest)

in the format-time function.

For seconds:frames at 24 frames/second, replace format-time with

   (define (format-time seconds)
     (let* ((minutes (euclidean-quotient seconds 60))
            (rest (euclidean-remainder seconds 60))
            (seconds (euclidean-quotient rest 1))
            (rest (euclidean-remainder rest 1)))
       (string-append (if (zero? minutes) "" (format #f "~a:" minutes))
                      (format #f "~a:~a" seconds (round (* rest 24))))))


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