Hello LilyPonders, 

I'm a lyric poet writing songs about science. 

"CO2" is three syllables and often works better than "carbon dioxide". 

It's acceptable even if "2" doesn't appear as a subscript (one sees this usage 
frequently), but subscript would be cool. 

A superscript option would be cool too. 

And example of "CO2" lyrics appears below. 

As for LilyPond Notation Reference, I congratulate the person who chose the 
following example text to demonstrate divisi lyrics on the "Techniques Specific 
to Lyrics" page. 

} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { They shall not o -- ver -- come } \new 
Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { We will _ } 
On the one hand, I don't really expect a solution to my stated problem; on the 
other hand, near the bottom of the page Techniques Specific to Lyrics, when I 
encountered the example cited above, I reacted passionately to "They shall 
not..." becoming "We will overcome" -- a definite sense of the Muse at work. 
This definite sense was perhaps the intellectual thought that paralleled my 

Well-chosen! and Thanks for the Inspiration! 

David Olson 


CO2 usage example 
(tune : Ton-y-botel, trochaic) 

stanzaTwo = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "2." 

End of Per -- mian Mass Ex -- tinc -- tion. 
Great -- est dy -- ing Earth has known! 
Lar -- gest ev -- er plume e -- rup -- tion 
O'er a con -- ti -- nen -- tal zone. 

Flood ba -- salt flows in Si -- ber -- ia 
last -- ed o'er a mil -- lion years; 
Filled the air with C O "2," a 
Green house gas we al -- so fear. 


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