> > If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see
> > that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics,
> > accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal
> > room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, that kind
> > of thing is what the majority of my post-data-entry tweak time is
> > dedicated to. [Again: When I used Finale <shudder>, it took hours or
> > even days to get from “the data is all in” to looking like this
> > already looks… so I’m not complaining!]
> You are aware of https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1154 ?

It looks like the spacing is not really distorted by the lyrics here
but rather by the accidentals, so that snippet won't help much (what
it does is basically making the spacing engine forget about lyrics,
then space them itself). There might be ways to reduce the importance
of accidentals in the spacing problem, but I don't really recall this,
it's been a long time. It's interesting though that adding

  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 5

in \layout evens out the spacing a lot. Of course, for a longer score,
this will spread out the music, so it's not really a solution, but
it might be worth trying to flank that measure with \newSpacingSection
and give it a different spacing-increment.


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