On 5/20/24 18:43, Laurie Savage wrote:
I have struggled with this one in the past and gave up in the end. There are some tweaks I found on the archived threads but I found it easier to enter the segnoMark and codaMark manually. Ditto for the"D.S. al Coda" (which is what I think you mean in your example. I often edit big band and small combo charts so any simple solution would be wonderful.

Thank you, Laurie.

That's what I've done for years until segno repeat appeared.

I also often edit big band, concert band and orchestra charts, often just to make my parts easier to read,

I sometimes use \stopStaff and \startStaff before the coda. Can anyone tell me how to get a clef sign after a \startStaff?




On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 10:35, Paul Scott <waterhorsemu...@aol.com> wrote:

    Segno repeat structure is like a black box to me.  I have been
    relatively successful with help and trial and error.

    I would really appreciate some help with this that I need soon:

     From NR 2.25.16 1.4.1, Segno repeat structure/alla coda, how do I
    add a
    repeat with alternative so the coda jump is just before the

    Here is the manually written MWE:

    \version "2.25.16"

    \fixed c' {
       c1 \segnoMark \default
       \repeat volta 2 { d \codaMark \default }
       \alternative{ e f }
       e_"D.C. al Coda" \bar "||"
       <>^"Coda" e
       \bar "|."



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