I hope you know that there is an example in the manual in
Section "8.4.1 Polymetric notation". Anyway, that example
has the same problem, which however can be solved by setting
the baseline-skip property:

% create 2/4 + 5/8
tsMarkup =\markup {
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
  \number {
    \column { "2" "4" }
    \musicglyph #"scripts.stopped"
    \bracket \column { "5" "8" }

  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function = #Text_interface::print
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = #tsMarkup
  \time 3/2
  c'2 \bar ":" c'4 c'4.

I will update the manual correspondingly. I hope you have also figured
out an answer to your previous question on time signatures.


Trent Johnston wrote:
Hi All,

I finally figured how to use markup's to overwrite an exisiting time signature.. I realised I asked this question a while ago and found the code again.

\time 8/4
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function = #Text_item::print
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = \markup {\number \column < "4" "4" > }

I've used this code but have found that there is gap between the vertical stacks so that the bottom number starts printing in the f space ( in a treble stave ). Is there a way to adjust the second number so that it prints directly under the first like a normal time signature?

BTW: Using XP / Using Lilypond 2.7.7

Also while I have your attention... in most baroque scores when a triplet symbol placed on the notehead side of the triplet/tuplet group with a slur placed over the top encasing the the tuplet symbol. I've tried to do this in Lilypond but the slur always cuts through the tuplet symbol. Is there an easy way to adjust the slur higher at both ends so that the tuplet symbol is not cut through? (Please see attached graphic for details )

Thanks in advance for any help




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