On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:29, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

You just give a name to the voice of music you want to attach your
lyrics to. To make it clear what is what in the syntax I didn't use the
obvious name "mainvoice" but "THEMUSIC" in the following example:
    \context Voice = THEMUSIC \mainvoice
    \lyricsto THEMUSIC \new Lyrics \mainwords

If you want to split lyrics when the music splits into several voices,
use separate Voice contexts with separate names and just attach the
lyrics to the corresponding voice. Read in "7.3.6 More stanzas" to see
one example.

Ok, I've been working with Mats' suggestion, and I'm making progress, but I'm still confused. First, I don't understand the distinction between THEMUSIC in the example above and \mainvoice. mainvoice is where I defined my melody line:

mainvoice = \relative c
    \key a \minor
    \repeat volta 2
        \partial 8*3
        e8 a8.  [ b16] c2~c8 b16 a gis8.( a16) b2 r8
        e,8 gis8. [ b16] d4 c8 b e8. c16 a4 ~ a2 r8

so, is THEMUSIC what I'd name the staff? I don't quite understand the intention behind this.

Second, I've had success fixing my lyric problem, but I now have:

    \time 4/4
    \context ChoirStaff
        %\context Staff = bari
        \context Voice = themusic \mainvoice
        \lyricsto themusic \new Lyrics \mainwords
            \clef bass

        %\context Lyrics = bari \mainwords

        \context Staff = bass
            \clef bass


This produces 3 staves: the first bass clef, which I want, the second a treble clef, which I don't want, using the music of the first part, and the third a bass clef, second part, which I want.

But, if I remove:
            \clef bass
My top line becomes a treble clef. Not right. So, I put \clef bass above \context Voice =...
That gives me a blank bass staff as the first line!

if I remove
        \context Staff = bass
            \clef bass
now my _bottom line is a treble clef!

What's going on here? Clearly I don't understand the intent of the syntax somewhere here. Clarification would be much appreciated!



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