anders stenberg wrote:


Thanks to Linda Cantoni!

Did try and got the midi to work with som fiddling with changing context Voice to context Staff but lost some things in the visual apartment as the "mensuralstrichte" dissapeared all together.

Restored the file to what it was in the beginning. Added a new Score block for midi using "context choirStaff" and "new Staff" commands and Lo I got it: visuals and midi.

By tviddling around some more I.e. splitting each music and lyrics string in two: Incipit and Main, I also did get a midi sans incipit notes and a visual score con Incipit.

Eaven if the accute problem thus is solved I would like to know why the combination Staffgroup, context Voice, and midi did behave in this way.

Anders Stenberg

Linda Cantoni wrote:

Hi, I had exactly the same problem the other day, also using 2.6.4 Windows XP native. The only way I could solve it was by switching to a regular SATB choir format (i.e. using ChoirStaff instead of StaffGroup). I have no idea why that makes a difference, and I don't know if that will work for you in
terms of the visual layout.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of anders stenberg
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: Weirdo with midifiles


I' v Had something weird happen to  a few times now.
Im working on Windows XP with the native - lilypond 2.6.4 through a jEdit- editor with a lilypond tool .

I'v been using the Ancient notation/ transcription of mensuralnotation example from the manual as a template for editing renaisance music. When adding a midi block to the score I get a real weirdo. The midi comes out as somekind of percussion ensemble with sounds of drums, bels et.c. instead of normal notes. (It isn't the Lilytools midi listener as I also listened on Timidity and Realplayer)

Changing the "instrument" with the "\set Staff.midiInstrument = "choir aahs" isn't working neither with the comand put in the musicinput strings of the parts nor by putting it in the score block.

I Did also try just run the orginal transcription example as it stands but adding a midiblock and I got the same weird result.

I don't thing it's my set up as I get a normal midi when I build something similar from scratch. Cant figure out what in the example does this. Its anoying as using the example as a template is a convinient way to get a Incipit with the orginal notation on a score. Listening to check for errors in orginall or editingis is a necessary part of the transcripting process as auraly cheching the edditorial accidentals . ( Making my own template and use that usually ends by my "loosing" it some where in the files by forgetting where in which subsubsub folder its stored. So beeing able to copypaste it from the Lilyhelp in jEdit or from the manual on lilysite is convinient)

Anders Stenberg

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