Hi all,
I have been using lilypond for a while and truthfully a few things would make me so much happier and less frustrated, one I have asked about but from past response sorta doubt anything will come of it.

The other maybe.

I use css and xml/html and love the ability to separate formating/style from content.

This lets me create a style sheet and use it for multiple files.
The style language is simple and clear without worring about making brakets match or having a plethora of tweaks for achieving things that should be common and standard.

what I am asking for is a style sheet language where I can do something like the following.

lyrics {
position:relative; top3px:
title {


etc.  now I have to stick some things inside the markup, others in the paper block and others in the layout block. and maybe others will require a scheme hack?
I don't say the syntax of css is right for lilypond, I just am frustrated with having to fiddle to get style working and then only have it portable using includes...

The other issue is one I brought up before:

Instead of anything goes, have a clearly defined structure and syntax with rules. then the editors can intuitivly help with layout and a newbie won't need to flood the mailing list with needless (but needed) questions. To much freedom in this case I feel limits freedom.

If anyone is interested in the first scenero I would be willing to join them in a feature request.


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