Please include a copy of the code you have tried (in the
mail body if you don't manage to attach it any other way).
Otherwise it's very hard to guess what you did.


Edward Ardzinski wrote:

I am using 2.6.5 on a WIndows XP-home box. Pretty new computer, no issues in the 6 months I've been beating it.

I tried to post some code I lifted the example below from one of the examples in the documentation, but the submitter form kept saying I was top posting. I'll describe the issue. If I uncomment either the bass clef of the key signature, the chord symbols will print below the staff for me. Not critical, but it looks better for doing a lead sheet (which is a large part of what I'm seeing myself do with this program) having the chords on top, and the first tune I am working on is in B major...

Is there a way for me to ensure the chord symbols print above the stave? Bug on Windows eXpect Problems?? Especially this cheeze Home Edition?

I am just expecting a little too much of myself after playing "in the pond" for a couple of days? :-)

I would be happy to send an e-mail with an attached .ly file to show what's happening.


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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