As before, 2.6.4 lily (latest cygwin) and 2.8 docu ...

Looking at the manual, codas and segnos are under "Articulation", symbols that modify notes. Fine, except to me this seems completely wrong - they should be over bar-lines and modify the flow of music - they're like the ":" that means "repeat this section"!

So I found the bit that said how to put a coda over the bar line, and it had a load of scheme code about fermatas, and a note to "use \markup to access the appropriate symbol". It would be nice if it told you where to find the appropriate symbol, seeing as there doesn't seem to be a match between the names... I know I'm using a mismatch of prog/docu, but I'll have a look at the correct docu tomorrow, and the docu wasn't that helpful, seeing as it neither told me what I needed to know, nor where to look, despite the index telling me exactly what I was looking for and pointing me there...

One last little point on the docu. In section 8.2.4 it tells you how to manually typeset barnumbers with the help of a load of scheme code. Isn't that now redundant? The previous section tells you how to use a bar-number as a rehearsal mark, which looks like it's exactly the same thing. I guess the scheme code is left over from versions of the docu before bar-number rehearsal-marks were added.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999

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