In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
4) not sure what it's called, but it looks like a right parenthesis hanging from the note head, usually seen for trombones and trumpets, and again is a form of gliss.

I think this is called a "fall." Price: 65 EUR; I will need some scans to be sure that we're talking about the same thing, though.
I could contribute a small amount (20 EUR) for these.

That leaves 45 EUR - £30. I think I can stump that up ...

I'll hunt up some examples, scan and post them.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999

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