
can someone point me to the documentation of parametrized definitions?
Here's what I want to do:

I need to set time signatures above the score without using horizontal
space. Therefore I removed the time signature engraver and added a
markup at each bar with a changed time signature like this:

    s1*0^\markup { \hspace #-2 \column 
                   { \line {\hspace#-0.5 \override #'(font-name . "Helvetica 
Bold") \raise #-0.8 "3" }
                     \line {\hspace#-0.5 \override #'(font-name . "Helvetica 
Bold") "4"}}}

Since there are many time signature changes in the piece (nearly every
measure), I'd like to define the above expression as a macro with the
nominator and denominator as parameters.

I looked for quite a while but couldn't find the right place in the

Thanks for any help,

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