Am 28. Dezember 2006, 17:59 Uhr (+0100) schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:
> numbers and underscores do make things easier to read, but it makes things
> hard to parse. Consider:
>   c4_\staccato_\markup { bla }
> does this reference \staccato or \staccato_ ?

Underscores make most sense in the middle of symbols to improve
readability (in the same way as lilypond uses it in the names of
engravers). If the use of underscores in symbols gets restricted that
way (meaning: "symbols (for definitions) can contain underscores (and
maybe some other special characters) but may not end with an
underscore (or other special character)") I can't think of any
ambiguous situation. Don't know how difficult implementation is,

> It might be possible to enable numbers, though.  I would welcome an analysis.

That alone would be of great help.

> And no, lilypond is not in any way related to TeX 

wasn't it in the past? I'm glad to hear that as this probably makes
things much less complicated!

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