I'm looking for steps to incorporate the LilyPond macro into OpenOffice 2.1 in
Windows, since the instructions I've found on
do not match up...

Register the basic macro in OpenOffice.org
- Select from the Menu: "Tools" --> "Macros" --> "Organize Macros" -->
"OpenOffice.org Basic..."
- Click "Organizer..."
- Go to the tab "Libraries"
- Select the radio button "OpenOffice.org"
- Click "Append..."
- In the file dialog open the file "C:\Program Files\basic\script.xlb"
- In the "Append Libraries" dialog click "OK"
- Close all open dialog boxes

In particular, OpenOffice 2.1 does not have a radio button, nor an "Append"
option (it has "New" and "Import", but I am too new to OpenOffice to determine
which one is the right one).

Regards, Mike

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