I'm sorry, it turned out that the US Letter PDF I provided for Recursion was sized for A4 paper, not US Letter. It probably got cut off if you tried to print it.

It's corrected now, as is the Lilypond source. The PDF for Emergence didn't have this problem.

I was having some trouble getting system-count to work if I set the paper size explicitly. It turns out what I needed was to put the \paper block BEFORE the \include of the main source file, and to set system-count AFTER setting the paper size.



Michael David Crawford

Michael David Crawford wrote:
Ladies and Germs,

I have scored my compositions "Emergence" and "Recursion" in Lilypond. They have the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 license. Please enjoy, copy, perform and make derivative works - provided you Share Alike!

They're at:


There are MIDI files, US Letter and A4 PDFs, the Lilypond source, and audio files of recordings I made back in 1994.

The other two songs will take me some more time. I also plan to compose some new pieces, and when I get enough of them, I'll record a new CD that I will have "glass mastered", that is, pressed in quantity at a factory, and all with the CC-SA 2.5 license.


Michael David Crawford

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