luis jure wrote:
please excuse my ignorance, but are the authors of the lilypond plug-in
for openoffice monitoring this list?
I'm the author, and yes I'm monitoring this list.

i visited but i couldn't find the
names of the developers or how to contact them.
You can find my name and email at the sourceforge project page and in
the source code of OOoLilyPond.

i wanted to report that i couldn't make the plug-in work with
openoffice 2.1 on linux (gentoo). the plug-in installs and opens its
window, but it fails to compile any code, with this message:

lilypond: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ version
'CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by lilypond)
I think this is a problem with lilypond that may be is not binary
compatible with your linux distribution. I'm sorry I can not help in this.

(btw, i'm using lilypond 2.10.19)

according to the web site, the plug-in was tested with OO 2.0.2, and
later "It is supposed to work an all Unix like operating systems with 2.0.0 or higher installed."

i downgraded to 2.0.4 and it works, but not with 2.1. it's a pity
because i find 2.1 a great improvement over 2.0.4, which for me at
least is rather buggy...
This seems to me very strange, that it is working with the older version
because LilyPond is reporting the error and not



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