Gee thanks, Kieren!

I compiled the two snippets you gave me and they worked just fine.  I
presume I can incorporate that code into the top of my \chordmode section --
I'll let you know how that works presently.

Thanks again!

Fr. Gordon+

On 21/01/2008, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Father Gordon (et al.):
> Even better!!
> You can put them all in one list of exceptions -- see attached.
> [Sorry... I'm just now climbing this particular learning curve.]
> Kudos to the Lilypond team... AGAIN!!!  =)
> Cheers,
> Kieren.
> _____________________________
> \version "2.11.37"
> \include ""
> FGGChordNames =
> {
>         <c e g b d'>1-\markup { \super "maj9" }
>         <c e g a d'>1-\markup { \super "6(add9)" }
> }
> chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
> FGGChordNames #t) ignatzekExceptions)
> chordStuff = \chordmode
> {
>         % standard names
>         g1:maj9
>         g1:6.9
>         % names with FGG's custom exceptions
>         \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
>         g1:maj9
>         g1:6.9
> }
> \score
> {
>         \new ChordNames \chordStuff
> }

Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON
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