2008/2/14 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 2008/2/13, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > This one's quite general, alas: *any* type of spanner (text, trill,
> > whatever) will erroneously displace according to *any* type of bound
> markup
> > (dynamic, text) in another context-bound staff.
> >
> > Writing to Valentin now in a separate mail ...
> Nothing from you yet... Did I miss anything? Is it related to the
> discussion with Andrew on -bug?

Hm. Sent to your usual address and bug about 21 hours ago (according to
gmail). But I don't see anything in the bug archive. Probably got rejected
by the bug list because I did the unthinkable: attached two small pngs
showing the problem. Here's a duplication of the original mail, you'll have
to compile the examples other than the first:

Hi Valentin,

Could you please consider this one for the tracker?


In each of the snippets below, the third spanner displaces considerably too
far to the left. In each case, the left edge of the spanner left-aligns with
the dynamic or markup in the *remote* staff; edge such spanner should
instead left-align with the left edge of its parent notehead only.

%%% EX 1 %%%

\version "2.11.39"

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff {
      \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "*"
      \override TextSpanner #'dash-period = #1
      c'16 \startTextSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTextSpan
      c'16 \startTextSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTextSpan
      c'16 \startTextSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTextSpan
      c'16 \startTextSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTextSpan
   \new Staff {
      \once \override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
      c'4 _ \markup { "FAT" }

%%% END %%%

%%% BEGIN EX 2 %%%

\version "2.11.39"

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff {
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
   \new Staff {
      \once \override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
      c'4 _ \markup { "FAT" }

%%% END EX 2 %%%

%%% BEGIN EX 3 %%%

\version "2.11.39"

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff {
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
      c'16 \startTrillSpan c'16 c'16 c'16 \stopTrillSpan
   \new Staff {
      c'4 \ffff

%%% END EX 3 %%%


If possible, could we consider a somewhat higher priority ranking for this
one? I think maybe there are three good reasons to do so:

a. the problem is very general -- different types of spanner (trill, text),
different types of associated bound object (dynamics, text script) all show
the problem;

b. there doesn't seem to be an easy workaround -- we'd have to know
something like half the width of the associated bound object (in staff
spaces) in order to be able to correct the problem with something like

c. one of the biggest chunks of new functionality in 2.11 is the new
spanners package that Han-Wen and I worked on this time last year (that
introduced bound-details, for example, to grant independent control of left
and right spanner details), and this bug damages at least the left-hand part
of that feature package.


Trevor Bača

<<attachment: spanner-alignment-problem-1.png>>

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