If you try to explain what you want the new context to
do, it will be much easier to provide accurate help.
In general, I strongly recommend you to take a look at
the file ly/engraver-init.ly, where all the default contexts
are defined. For example, if you look at the definition of
the PianoStaff context, you will see how to base a new
context definition on an already existing one.




I have been tidying up my lilypond source files and decided to try to be clever and define an 'ossia' context in one of my layout template files. I started to regret the decision when I realised I had to list every single engraver I would need to use (I thought that \alias Staff would do that - but was wrong.)

What I have done seems to work except for two things. 1) I can't get the slurs to display. 2) The layout engine does not allocate any vertical space to the Ossia and allows beams from the staff above and below to collide. I included the Vertically_spaced_contexts_engraver and Vertical_align_engraver in a fit of guess-work, but it didn't solve the problem.

Is there a simple solution,other than manually tweaking the system positions?

Regards - Dave P.

Example below:

\version "2.11.41"
\include "English.ly"

\layout {
        % Define a context for ossia sections
        \context {
                \name Ossia
                \alias Staff
                \consists Note_heads_engraver
                \consists Text_engraver
                \consists Stem_engraver
                \consists Accidental_engraver
                \consists Staff_symbol_engraver
                \consists Rest_engraver
                \consists Slur_engraver
                \consists Spacing_engraver
                \consists Bar_engraver
                \consists Script_engraver
                \consists Font_size_engraver
                \consists Auto_beam_engraver
                \consists Key_engraver
                \consists Vertical_align_engraver
                \consists Vertically_spaced_contexts_engraver
                \type "Engraver_group"
                fontSize = #-2
                \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)
                \override KeySignature #'stencil = ##f
        \context {
                \accepts "Ossia"

Notes = \relative c'' {
        % snip

        % Bar 13
cs8. d16 e8 cs a4 e8 a | d,8. e16 fs8 a d4 cs8 d | e4 e, e'8. cs16 b8 cs |
                { a4 a8. b16 a4 s }
                \new Ossia \with { alignAboveContext = "Main" }
                \relative c'' {
                        \key a \major
a8^\markup \tiny \bold "Last Time" b16 ( cs ) d e fs gs ( a-. ) r r8 s4 \bar "|."

\score {
        \new Staff = "Main" { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4 \Notes }
        \layout { }

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        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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