> Whow, really beautiful! 


> I should invest more time in this kind of experiments! I might use your
> notes with my singers here in Rovaniemi.

Please do, do they know swedish (my finnish is not that good, so I 
cannot help you with a translation)?

Tough I think it should be a "bes" instead of "b" in cantus second illuxit
nobis, at the "gen --", othervise cantus and tenor will have a tritonus.

Also note that it is written i high clefs, so it should probably be 
transposed a third down. I would really apreciate if someone had a 
faximile I could have a look at, I am a little wary about the 3/2 time 

> Didn't have yet time to investigate the technical side of your approach -- I

There was a tread "lilypond-book with multi-dir projects" earlier.
I think the thing that made pursue this was bibtex/makeindex and poor 
dependency handling i lilypond-book (maybe it has become better).
And simply \input{file-systems.tex} or \includegraphics{file-1.eps}
was a rather easy solution for that.

> was really happy with the possibility to produce pdf output with
> lilypond-book nowadays and have it included in the pdf generated by xelatex

I had some problems with vaticana style and 2.10/2.11 lilypond, so I 
stick with 2.6.5. I havent tried 2.8.

> (which makes the usage of open type fonts really easy -- yes, day roman is
> not, unfortunately, an open type font...). 

Can't you just generate the open type font from fontforge?

> But how did you create the font file (I understand that this is the font
> definitions FontForge uses) -- by hand or did you have some automated
> method?

I unzipped the file and imported the two ttf's (if I remember correctly) 
and tried to put all glyphs in some (hmm) order in fontforge. (Do you 
know how to make use of those extra glyphs at the end).
Then I generated the pfa and run the attached files.

> Greetings
> Till
> Karl Hammar wrote:
> > 
> > I tried another way of "using" lilypond-book, which seems to work 
> > better with tex, bibtex, makeindex, ..., -- and makefiles.
> > 
> > If you are interested, read the README at
> > 
> > http://aspodata.se/noter/palestrina/dies_sanctificatus/
> > 
> > and send comments.



for ix in afm tfm vf
    mkdir -p $prefix/texmf/fonts/$ix
    cp *.$ix $prefix/texmf/fonts/$ix

mkdir -p $prefix/texmf/fonts/type1
cp *.pfa $prefix/texmf/fonts/type1

mkdir -p           $prefix/texmf/dvips
cat psfonts.map >> $prefix/texmf/dvips/psfonts.map

mkdir -p $prefix/texmf/tex/latex/psfonts
cp *.fd  $prefix/texmf/tex/latex/psfonts

mktexlsr -d $prefix/texmf

# for X11
cp *.pfa *.afm $prefix/fonts
cd $prefix/fonts
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $prefix = "/usr/local/share/texmf";
my $enc = "8r.enc";


sub rm_ext($) {
  my $str = shift;

  $str =~ s/\.[^. \t\r\n]+//g;

sub addext($$) {
  my $str = shift;
  my $ext = shift;

  $str =~ s/ /.$ext /g;


sub enc_name($) {
  my $file = shift;
  my $str = "";

  open(FH, "<$file") or die("cannot open $file");

  while(<FH>) {
    m|^\s*%| && next;
    if (m|^/(\w+Encoding)|) {
      $str = $1;
  close FH;

sub enc_string($) {
  my $enc = shift;
  my $encfile = `kpsewhich $enc`;
  my $str = "";

  chomp $encfile;
  my $encname = enc_name $encfile;
  if ($encname ne "StandardEncoding") {
    $str = "$encname ReEncodeFont";


my $fps = undef;
my $encstr = enc_string $enc;
my $encshort;
$encshort = rm_ext $enc;
my $encinc = "";
if ($enc ne "8a.enc") {
  $encinc = "<$enc ";

sub ps_map($) {
  my $file = shift;

  if (!defined $fps) {
    open($fps, ">psfonts.map") or die("cannot open psfonts.map");
  my $tfile = $file;
  $tfile =~ s/$encshort/8a/;
  if ( -f "$tfile.afm") {
    my $name = `grep FontName $tfile.afm | cut -f2 -d\\ `;
    $name =~ tr/\r\n//d;
    printf $fps "%-10s %-35s \"                $encstr\" $encinc<%s.pfa\n", 
$file, $name, $tfile;

  $tfile = $file;
  $tfile =~ s/o$encshort/8a/;
  if ( -f "$tfile.afm") {
    my $name = `grep FontName $tfile.afm | cut -f2 -d\\ `;
    $name =~ tr/\r\n//d;
    printf $fps "%-10s %-35s \"0.167 SlantFont $encstr\" $encinc<%s.pfa\n", 
$file, $name, $tfile;

  print "$tfile\n";


#print "$encstr\n";
my $list;

$list = `echo *8r.tfm`;
chomp $list;
$list = rm_ext $list;
my $file;

#print "$list\n";
my @list = split / /, $list;
foreach $file (@list) {
  ps_map $file;

basic() {
    for i in `ls -1 | grep afm | cut -b1-3 | sort -u`
    echo '\latinfamily{'$i'}{}'
    done |
    tex /usr/share/texmf/tex/fontinst/base/fontinst.sty

    for i in *.pl; do pltotf  $i; done
    for i in *.vpl; do vptovf  $i; done

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