> In one of my scores, I'm writing two pages with the lyrics of a mass, 
> together 
> with the corresponding German/English translations. I'm using 
> \fill-line { 
>   \column{"Latin text"...} 
>   \column{"German text"...}
>   \column{"English text"...}
> }
> to generate the three columns. However, since the mass has 6 pieces, I want 
> the columns of all six text blocks to line up nicely. Currently, each 
> \fill-line is layed out by itself, so the German and English translations are 
> not properly aligned at all.

What happens if you make a column per page and language:

\markup {
\markup {\fill-line {
  \column {
    \bold "Kyrie eleison"
    "Kyrie eleison," 
    "Christe eleison," 
    "Kyrie eleison."
    \bold "Gloria in excelsis Deo"
    \italic "Gloria in excelsis Deo"
    "Et in terra pax"
    "Et vitam venturi saeculi."
  \column {
    "Herr, erbarme dich," 
    "Herr, erbarme dich," 
    "Christus, erbarme dich," 
    "Herr, erbarme dich!"
    \italic "Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe"
    "und Friede auf Erden"
    "Und an das Leben der kommenden Welt."
  \column {
    "Lord, have mercy," 
    "Christ, have mercy," 
    "Lord, have mercy."
    "And in the life of the world to come."

> Attached is the lilypond code and the output, where one can easily see what I 
> want (look at the English translation of Kyrie and Gloria...) The PDF is too 
> large to attach, so I uploaded it to our server:


I did something similar, but in latex at
and latin vs. swedish.


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