2008/8/11 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Then why not call it human? For example: Guide and Reference.
> Abbreviations are evil, because they are always clear and unambigous for
> someone who uses them or used them recently, but they confuse newcomers,
> take time and mental energy to decode for not so regular uses, and annoy me
> :-)

Perhaps we should be careful about whether we're posting on -user or
-devel. abbrevs on -devel are fine, but newcomers generally post on
bug- or -user...

> Not to mention the problem with referencing 1.2 in the mails, as the
> numbering of sections will probably change over time and looking in the mail
> archive for an answer will be useless or misleading.

Good point, but RTFM answers are generally not the most interesting
part of any maillist archive.

> So instead reading LM 1.2 I would recommend reading "About the
> documentation" section in the Guide. Note that I'm talking about the
> lilypond-user list where beginners, enthusiastic newcomers and such are
> present.

I dislike "the Guide" (for political reasons ;-) but instead of LM, NR
and such, we could invent words such as


and such... as Graham said, it's all about getting used to it; however
the LM initials are indeed confusing.


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