Hi all,
I just noticed that Tom's original report of the problem used V2.10.33. Jon answered this with a test saying it's working using V2.11.55. Maybe this been fixed as a side-effect of other changes in V2.11 development?


Ian Hulin

Jonathan Kulp wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Tom,

Many thanks for the kind words about the documentation. It's very gratifying to hear, and it also bears out what Graham says repeatedly, which is that time spent on the docs is doubly (or more!) well spent.

I'm not sure why the barring position wouldn't work for you. It must be that you misplaced the code somehow? I tried changing the example in the documentation from XII to V and it worked perfectly. What you have as a workaround might be o.k., but my guess is that it would only work well if your spacing does not change. If, say, you add another bar on that line or take away a bar, then the "------" could end in the wrong place. The textSpanner is anchored to specific pitches, so it always starts and ends in the right place.

Here's the example from the docs with my change from XII to V:

\version "2.11.55"

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"XII "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"V "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

Hope it helps!


Tom Cloyd wrote:

Thanks for your response.

First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really buried myself in). It appears that all my needs are met. I was amazed.

One aside: I couldn't get the example for hand position (e.g. "IV- - - - - -" to indicate playing in 4th position) to work at all. Copied it into my score code, and no go. So I went back to this, which is simple and works fine, with a lot fewer keystrokes and Scheme mysteries:

\relative c'{ fis-1^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " [_(g-2) a-4] b-1 [^(c-2) d-4] e-1^"V - - - - - - - - - - -" [^(fis-3) g-4] | }

Looks good, too. Sometimes simple is better than conceptually elegant. This simple text insertion business looks to me like it could handle a multitude of sins. A useful kluge for for time impoverished folks like me.

About the slurring problem:

You make a very important point - the problem I reported was a warning message, not an error. My ver. 2.10 DOES produce perfect output - I hadn't thought to look. I think this is acceptable, even though I cannot make sense of the warning (nothing unusual about that - warnings seem often to be useless to mere users).

So, I don't really have a problem. What I DO have now is a passage with position indicators, string numbers, legato indicators, fingering, accents, articulation marks, etc. It looks, and is, simply wonderful. I'm so pleased.

I'm sure others have commented about this, but possibly it's worth repeating: What I've been working on is a composition of my own for classical guitar. Having it printed in a way that looks really good, and is also very readable, in incredibly rewarding. This wonderful tool turns out to be a motivation amplifier.

I'm considering quitting my day job, getting a night job waiting tables, and turning to composition full time. Ah...the thought passed. Nice thought, though.

Thanks to all...


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Oy. In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs.

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing perfect output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, anyway--see attached image). I'm running the development version 2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04. Maybe it would fix this problem for you to install the latest version? Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted notes are placed on lines instead of between them. I trust this will be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite vigilant for such things :)

What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example, the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other. And when I added something that would possibly interfere with the slur (an accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about something else. Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid anything?


Tom Cloyd wrote:
OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]

\relative c'{ <fis-1\4>8 [(g-2) a-4] <b-1\3> [c-2 d-4] <e-1\2> [fis-3 g-4] | }

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `test.ly'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music...
test.ly:31:36: warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
               \relative c'{ <fis-1
\4>8 [(g-2) a-4] <b-1\3> [c-2 d-4] <e-1\2> [fis-3 g-4] | }

The problem is the slurring. Remove the slurs and it runs. So...how to I slur the f and g, etc., when using string number notations? THAT I cannot get to work, and I cannot find any example showing someone else getting it to work.



Graham Percival wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I plainly said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect
docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
unless 2.11 is correcting a documentation error. Is that the case?

We've spent about 1000 hours working on the docs since 2.10.33.
Perhaps as much as 50 of those hours were spent on new .11
features.  The rest was spent fixing and improving the docs.

I just tested <c\1> in simple score case. It worked exactly as I desired. So....my ver. 2.10.x IS behaving as the ver. 2.11 docs says.

According to the 2.11 docs, that shouldn't work.
Note: There must be a hyphen after the note and a space before the
closing >.
... oh wait, that's for right-hand fingering.  Sorry, never mind.

In that case, I only recommend creating a minimal example that
demonstrates the problem, and go from there.  Somebody else might be
able to figure it out.

- Graham

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