Regarding James' point, in Linux you take care of this by using "sudo" before the install command. I should have eplained this in my previous email. The "sudo" prefix gives temporary root privileges and installs the program in a location where all users on the system will have access to it. When you run the uninstall script, you also have to preface the command with sudo or else you get errors saying you don't have permission to delete certain files and directories. Of course you can also install as a regular user (i.e. without using "sudo"), in which case it installs to your home directory, and the uninstall script will be in a different location. As I said before, be sure to copy the message from the terminal that says how to uninstall lilypond and save the info. I've done dozens of uninstalls and re-installations of lilypond and I still always have to copy that uninstall command from my little cheat-sheet :)


James E. Bailey wrote:

     ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
What that means is that if you aren't logged in as the user root (which you most likely aren't) then you kinda should put as one of the configure options that lilypond should install somewhere that's specific to you, e.g., ~/

Jonathan Kulp

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