2008/9/4 Risto Vääräniemi:
> 2008/9/4 James E. Bailey:
>> What's the problem?

> Thanks for the tip. I was trying to attach the lyrics to the combined
> voice and not to an original one. Based on the section "Automatic part
> combining" I thought that the original voices wouldn't exist after the
> partcombine. This would be a nice addition to the LSR if it was up
> (and if this isn't already there). :-(

Sorry for troubling you again.

I am not able to make your example work. If I use it as is (except add
\version "2.11.56" and \include "deutsch.ly" or "suomi.ly") the stems
point in opposite directions. I have to remove the \context Voice =
"voice one" and reverse the voices inside partcombine to actually get
the voices combined. However then I can't use the lyrics. :-(

Should I upgrade to 2.11.57?


\version "2.11.56"

\include "deutsch.ly"

voiceone = \context Voice = "voice one" \relative {
  c'4 h a g f e d2 c1

voicetwo = \relative {
  e'4 d c h a g a^( h) c1
words = \lyricmode {
  I vii vi V IV iii ii vii I

\score {
    \new Staff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f }
    << \partcombine \voiceone \voicetwo >>
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice one" \words

<<attachment: partcombine_jb.png>>

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