I compiled version 2.11.58 and when I ran a file I was working on I noticed that many of the tweaks I had done to position fingerings had different results in 2.11.58 than they did in 2.11.56. Below is a minimal example. The same code was used to produce each png image. The one with the 4 fingering way up above was done in 2.11.58, and the one with it tucked in nicely under the beam was done in 2.11.56. Any idea why the different behavior? For the moment I've reverted to 2.11.56.


%  fingering orientations
        sfor = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)

\relative c {
  \time 6/8
  \clef "treble_8"
  a8\( g'-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.3 . -3.5)-3
  <c!-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.2 . 8.8)-4         
  d-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.0 . 0.0)-1>
  \sfor <aes,-2> c' <d e>\) |

Jonathan Kulp

<<attachment: fingering-problem2-11-56.png>>

<<attachment: fingering-problem2-11-58.png>>

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