Ok I changed a couple of things to make it even more flexible. I changed pnmto__ to ppmto__, giving quite a few more output options. I've suggested a few in the script. Also added an option to choose either gif or png when choosing transparent background. this is fun :)


script attached this time...

Patrick Horgan wrote:
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
I'm guessing that one of the netpbm tools will handle transparency, it's just a matter of figuring out which one. Didn't this come up on a recent thread? I seem to remember trying it out on something and getting a transparent background. When I get some time later I'll look into it. It would be simple enough to add a prompt asking if you'd like a transparent background, I guess.
Now that you mention it that rings a bell with me too! I'll have to search---

giftoppm foobar.gif | ppmtogif -transparent '#rgb' > fooquux.gif

works if you want gif. First translate to ppm, then translate back to gif with the -transparent flag specifying which color, (in this case #fff) will be transparent.

pnmtopng has the transparent argument, but pnmtotiff and jpeg don't since they don't support transparency...so, using your script, if you want transparency, you have to choose png for the output, then on the translation step from ppm just add the appropriate flags. I just tried it adding a quick -transparent '#ffffff' to the command line and then selecting png so it would work. It worked like a charm:)

Jonathan Kulp

# Script for making image files from lilypond source  #
# suitable for use as musical examples to insert in a #
# document or web page.                               #

# get filename from first argument
srcfile="`basename $1`" 

# get filename without .ly extension
STEM="`basename $1 .ly`"

# determine output directory
OUTDIR="`dirname $1`"

# ask for output resolution 
echo -n "Enter output resolution in DPI (72, 100, 300, 600, etc.): "
# gather resolution input
read RES

echo -n "Would you like a transparent background? (yes or no): "

if [ "$TRANSPARENCY" == "yes" ]
    echo -n "Enter desired output format (png or gif): "
    cd $OUTDIR
    lilypond --format=png -dresolution=$RES $srcfile
    pngtopnm $STEM.png > $STEM.pnm
    pnmcrop -white $STEM.pnm > $STEM-cropped.pnm
    ppmto$TRANSFORMAT -transparent '#ffffff' $STEM-cropped.pnm > 

    # ask for desired final output format
    echo -n "Enter desired output format (jpeg, png, tiff, gif, pcx, bmp): "
    # gather format input
    read FORMAT

    cd $OUTDIR
    lilypond --format=png -dresolution=$RES $srcfile
    pngtopnm $STEM.png > $STEM.pnm
    pnmcrop -white $STEM.pnm > $STEM-cropped.pnm
    ppmto$FORMAT $STEM-cropped.pnm > $STEM.$FORMAT
    # open final image as background process in "Eye of Gnome" Image Viewer
    eog $STEM.$FORMAT &

# removes pnm and ps files
rm *.pnm $STEM.ps

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