I have just got back from a band rehearsal, and tonight for the first
time I could see what bothers me about Lilypond's percent glyph: the
dots are too far out. I think they should be horizontally closer to the
centre, so that the space between the dot and the oblique stroke is more
like the space between the dot and the staff lines. As it is, the pointy
whitespace between the dot and the corner of the stroke makes it look
like the dots are vertically off-centre in the staff space.

Any thoughts, or am I alone here? I can try to put together a patch in
the near future.

"Of all  things,  good sense is  the most fairly  distributed:  everyone
thinks  he is  so well  supplied  with it  that even  those who  are the
hardest to satisfy in  every other respect never  desire more of it than
they already have."   --  Descartes, 1637      http://surreal.istic.org/

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