What exactly is the difference between \lyricsto and \set associatedVoice? The documentation isn't very explicit on this point, and I've come to situation where I think I need to use \set associatedVoice because the output is different from the \lyricsto output.

The important issue here is that using \set associatedVoice it works, and using \lyricsto it does not. I think it might be helpful to point out at least this one difference between the two.

Also, if I try to put the two staves in the same \score block, I get a segmentation fault.

\version "2.11.65"

instrument = \relative c' {
   \context Voice = "NumberOne" { c4 }
   \context Voice = "NumberTwo" { d4 }
   \context Voice = "NumberOne" { e4 }
   \context Voice = "NumberTwo" { f4 }

Text = \context Lyrics {
   \lyricsto "NumberOne" { Cee }
   \lyricsto "NumberTwo" { Ray }
   \lyricsto "NumberOne" { Eee }
   \lyricsto "NumberTwo" { Fa }

TextTwo = \context Lyrics \lyricmode {
   \set associatedVoice = #"NumberOne" { Cee4 }
   \set associatedVoice = #"NumberTwo" { Ray4 }
   \set associatedVoice = #"NumberOne" { Eee4 }
   \set associatedVoice = #"NumberTwo" { Fa4 }

\score {
      \new Staff \instrument

\score {
      \new Staff \instrument

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