Op woensdag 25 februari 2009, schreef Stefan Thomas:
> Dear Wilbert,
> many thanks for Your fine Lilypond-editor Frescobaldi!
> It looks fine and is a very convenient tool to work with lilypond.

Thank you!

> I'm only missing a feature, that can change pitches enharmonically,
> e.g. convert a cis to des.
> Is it possible to write a plugin for this?

Yes, this kind of operations is planned, but there is one hairy detail: 
changing the base step can cause the relative distances to work out different 
(e.g. in relative mode, c fis goes up, but c ges goes down, but also in 
absolute mode enharmonic changes can alter the octave a note is in, e.g.:
b -> ces).

So the plugin code would need to check this and change the octave of the 
note/chord accordingly. The base infrastructure to do this is already present 
in the frescobaldi code, but it's not yet implemented :-)

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: http://www.frescobaldi.org/

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