David Stocker wrote:

Marc Hohl wrote:

I think you should also add:

\override TabVoice.Tie #'transparent = ##t

Yes, of course. But then another problem occurs: if the tie isn't visible, it looks as if there are two distinct notes. Therefore, I think strongly about a scheme function (which at the end should be hidden in the
TabVoice-context) which translates, e.g.

c4 d e2 ~ e4. e8


c4 d e2 s4. e8

so the spurious tablature number disappears in the output. From earlier postings I knew that there are several functions about automatically calculating intervals etc., but I'm a scheme newbie. So I would be glad if someone out there would give me a hint how to start writing such a function.
It should be noted that a publishing standard is when there is a Note Staff + Tab Staff, tied notes (that is, the notes that are 'held') in the Tab Staff are indicated by parenthesizing the tab number(s). There are several conventions that are related to tied notes in a Notes+Tab situation:

   * Tab numbers that are 'tied to' are sometimes parenthesized,
     sometimes hidden.
   * In the case that 'tied to' notes are hidden, a parenthesized tab
     number is usually forced if the 'tied to' note is at the beginning
     of a line (i.e., the note is tied over a system break).
   * Likewise, parenthesized tab numbers are forced when a 'tied to'
     note begins a 2nd ending or Coda section.
   * A parenthesized chord in the Tab Staff are indicated with a single
     pair of parentheses surrounding all of the notes in the chord (as
     opposed to as single pair of parentheses around each individual
     note in the chord).

Additionally, parenthesized tab numbers figure in released bends. Incidentally, I'm about to submit to the LilyPond-Tab community the first few entries in the catalog of desired tab features and they deal with some simple bends. I was going to try to make a comprehensive list of all 'finger-bend' situations, but that is turning out to be more work than I realized. So, instead I'm doing a short set of the most common bend situations so that this can get rolling sooner.

Great to have an tablature expert amongst us. We 're looking forward to your list David!


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