On 4/13/09 10:02 AM, "Mark Polesky" <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> I now see that dashed "slurs" are simply dashed
>> lines (of invariant
> thickness) which curve along
>> the path that a slur would take between
> two notes.
>> What is standard engraving practice when it comes
>> to such
> things?
> So, I vote we make dashed slurs tapered. And while none
> of the sources defines a half-dashed/half-solid slur
> (for gradually going from staccato to legato), I would
> like to see LilyPond support one. As a pianist playing
> new music most of the time, I have to say I've seen
> them before. And from a composer's point of view, I
> think it's a clear and concise notation that could
> easily be standardized.

So, here are some questions about half-dashed/half-solid slurs:

1.  Would it be better to have an abrupt transition from dashed to solid, or
to have a gradual transition from dashed to solid, with the dash-fraction
gradually increasing?

2. Will the transition always be in the middle, or would it be preferable to
define the transition point (e.g. 3/4 dashed, 1/4 solid).

3. Will it always go from dashed to solid, or does it sometimes go from
solid to dashed?



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