On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 09:23:13AM -0600, Matt Boersma wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Daniel Hulme <s...@istic.org> wrote:
> > ...
> > The other answer is: yes, I will send in my useful functions. One is for
> > adding flams to drum notes, and the other is for using a spanner to give
> > a "Fill" indication.
> I'm transcribing a lot of drum kit music and would find both of those
> very useful.

I've uploaded my flam functions to LSR as snippet 566, and it's awaiting
approval. My functions include \flam, \drag, and \ruff and can be
attached to any drum note.

> (Also a "ruff" symbol that doesn't have to attach to a
> snare, as when finishing a drag with the kick drum.)

I'm not quite sure I understand you correctly: it sounds like you have
a ruff on the snare drum with the on-the-beat note being on the kick
drum instead. It doesn't do that. I don't believe I've ever seen such a
thing, and it sounds like a standard grace note would suit you just fine
for that case (unless you've got lots of them going between different
drums, in which case it sounds like you want to generalise my function).

I haven't done the fill function yet. On writing up examples for the
snippet, I find that it only works well in the one case I used it for
last night: a whole bar, with actual notes (not spacers) throughout the
bar. Since I need it to work with half-bar fills and with fills with no
notes written in the staff, I'll upload it once I've managed that. It
might not be until the weekend, but I need to finish copying out the
part by next Thursday, as I'm playing from it then.

Every program eventually reaches a point where it becomes harder to make
a simple change than to rewrite the program from scratch. Unfortunately,
when this point is reached, it is far too late to consider rewriting it.
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