Jayaratna wrote:

> $ lilypond score.ly
> GNU LilyPond 2.12.2
> Processing `score.ly'
> Analisi...
> score.ly:25:11: error: syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED
> %\include "
>           04_fig.ly"
> error: failed files: "score.ly"

The only explanation I can imagine is that the parser doesn't
see the % because in fact it is *inside* a quoted string. For
example, if you accidentally put a quote-mark at the end of a
line somewhere earlier in the code, like this:

#(set-global-staff-size 16)"

%\include "04_fig.ly"

the parser will actually see this:

1. scheme command: #(set-global-staff-size 16)
2. quoted string: "

%\include "
3. unsigned integer: 04

Here it will stop parsing because it doesn't have any 
instructions on what to do if it reads a number in that context.
Perhaps the problem could be in one of the included files? I
don't know enough to say for sure if that's something that could
happen. Use

   multi-line comments

to isolate potential culprits...

> \book {
>   \header {
>     title = \markup \center-align { \smallCaps "La Fuitte du Roi
> d'Angleterre" \fontsize #-3 "à 3. deux Violons où Flutes, & Basse ou
> Continue. par N. DEROSIER" }
>     subtitle = \markup { \italic \fontsize #-2  "et se vendenz chez.
> l'Autheur, sur le Cingel devant le Doele inde Roose-Boom" }
>     subsubtitle = \markup { \smallCaps "A Amsterdam, 1689."}
>     %composer = \markup \center-column { "Nicolas Derosier "  }
>     copyright =  "© A******** M******* 2009"
> %    tagline = \markup {\roman "A***** M*****" \concat {\with-color
> #(x11-color "red")  "M" \with-color #(x11-color "black") "vsicvs P******
> C*****"}
>     }

> If I delete the %\include "04_fig.ly" line, Lilypond starts giving errors
> from the next " character.

I would recommend that you format your file to fit (uncompromisingly)
within at most 72 lines, to prevent certain problems. For example, I
copied your code directly into a file, which compiled with errors
because the curly braces were not matched. Here is the structure:

\book {
  \header {
    title = { ... }
    subtitle = { ... }
    subsubtitle =  { ... }
    %composer = { ... }
    copyright =  ...
%   tagline =  { \concat {

I assume you meant to comment out all of the tagline? Perhaps it was 
originally on one line in your file, but perhaps through e-mail it 
gained one or two line-endings. Which means that


is not commented out. Multi-line comments are done like this:
   tagline =  { \concat {

But by doing this, it becomes clear that the \header and \book braces
are not closed. So here's a clearer indentation:

\header {
  title =  {    
  subtitle = {
  subsubtitle = <short>
  composer = <short>
  copyright = <short>
  tagline =  {

Note that curly braces can safely be removed if there is only one

subsubtitle = \markup \smallCaps "string"

So here's your file re-formatted with some changes:

1. title: \center-align --> \center-column
   (I assume that's what you meant)
2. subtitle: used \pad-to-box to balance the vertical spacing
3. subtitle: used \concat to break 1 string into 2 lines of code.
4. subsubtitle: removed unnecessary curly braces.
5. composer: removed \markup \center-column since it does nothing.
6. tagline: removed \roman (default is roman already)
7. tagline: #(x11-color "red") --> #red
8. tagline: removed \with-color #(x11-color "black") since the
   color reverts back to black automatically anyway.

- Mark

\version "2.12.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\include "01_fl1.ly"
\include "01_fl2.ly"
\include "01_bc.ly"
%\include "01_fig.ly"

\include "02_fl1.ly"
\include "02_fl2.ly"
\include "02_bc.ly"
%\include "02_fig.ly"

\include "03_fl1.ly"
\include "03_fl2.ly"
\include "03_bc.ly"
%\include "03_fig.ly"

\include "04_fl1.ly"
\include "04_fl2.ly"
\include "04_bc.ly"
%\include "04_fig.ly"

\header {
  title = \markup \center-column {    
    \smallCaps "La Fuitte du Roi d'Angleterre"
    \fontsize #-3
    "à 3. deux Violons où Flutes, & Basse ou Continue. par N. DEROSIER"
  subtitle = \markup
    \pad-to-box #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 2.5)
    \italic \fontsize #-2 \concat {
    "et se vendenz chez. l'Autheur, "
    "sur le Cingel devant le Doele inde Roose-Boom"
  subsubtitle = \markup \smallCaps "A Amsterdam, 1689."
  composer = "Nicolas Derosier"
  copyright = "© A******** M******* 2009"
  tagline = \markup \concat {
    "A***** M***** "
    \with-color #red "M"
    "vsicvs P****** C*****"
{ c'' }

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