In message <>, Mark Polesky <> writes

Grammostola Rosea wrote:
I've learned when major scale:

I: maj7
II:  min7
III: min7
IV: maj7
V: dominant 7
VI: min7
VII: -7

But what when it is a minor scale? For example E minor? Which type of chords
belongs to the 7 steps?

If it's "natural" minor than it's the same series, but starting on
the equivalent of degree 6 in the major:

i: min7
ii: -7
III: maj7
iv:  min7
v: min7
VI: maj7
VII: dom7

Harmonic minor has a raised 7 which changes all odd degrees:

i: min/maj7
ii: -7
III: maj7+5
iv: min7
V: dom7
VI: maj7
vii: dim7

I can't remember what it's called, but there's a third minor scale where the 7th can be raised or not. If it's going up to the tonic it's sharpened, and if it's going down, it's not. So in the scale of A (your classic minor) it goes:

a b c d e f g# a g f e d c b a

Anthony W. Youngman -

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